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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sunday Silence 4 is on

For 12 Sundays only. (Nov2007-Nov2008) Every 3rd Sunday of the month, we gather by the bay to watch the glorious Philippine sunset together. We sit and chat and look at how many other people believe that change should happen. No poetry, no songs, no placards, none. Just silence.

Let the people in power come up with their own idea of why they think we get together. Like we always say, "whatever it is you think we're protesting, you're probably right." Our silence is not inaction. It just elegantly says, "ang labo niyo, wala kaming masabi."

street translation: ang kokorap nyo.
formal translation: change will happen only if I'm part of it.
artistic translation: our silence is not indifferent, we're aware and observing and together.
Gang's translation: here's a finger.

Actually, whatever Sunday Silence is --is your call. Try it out. This is the 4th of a series of just 12.
Text by : Gang Badoy

(photo: Gabby Cantero, Sunday Silence veteran. copyright2008)

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