Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Burger Joint (We got SMOKE!)

Thanks to Master Marlon Martinez aka Pepeng Buraot of Rock Ed Radio Text Hotline.

The Burger Joint (Burger Joint Menu)

At The Burger Joint WE FEAR NO BEER . . . . . . . and SODA!

Thanks to the people of Coca-cola Bottling Corporation and San Miguel Brewery.
Photo by Marvin Martinez

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Burger Joint (Employee of the month)

Burger Joint's Employee of the Month

Greets everyone (and i mean everyone) "hi", "hello", "thank you", "bye", and "are you going to come back?"

Mami Sheila's personal wind chime. :)

(mini nips) - Text and Second Photo by May Umaly
First Photo by Marvin Martinez

Burger Joint (Open Happiness by Danby and Danbo)

Danbo and Danby tagged along to Burger Joint. Danby wouldn't go down until Danbo buys him some fries to go along with his burger. - Text and Photo by Marvin Martinez

Burger Joint (Mano Luna Artworks)

Acrylic on Recycled Vinyl Swatches (Wallpaper).

Permanent Marker on Recycled Tarpaulin.

Burger Joint (Mano Luna At Work) Mano Luna Artworks is NOW Open

Burger Joint (Room Full Of Squares)

Burger Joint

Film Camera Collection as part of the Burger Joint Gallery and Photospace.

Burger Joint

Unit F206, Rublou Place, Ortigas Avenue Extension cor Sunset Drive, Brookside Hills Subd., Cainta, Rizal